Course Description

This course is for students with a special interest in literature and literary criticism. The course may focus on themes, genres, time periods, or countries. Students will analyse a range of forms and stylistic elements of literary texts and respond personally, critically, and creatively to them. They will also assess critical interpretations, write analytical essays, and complete an independent study project.


  1. Canadian Literature by Faye Hammill
  2. An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English by Daniel David Moses
  3. Moodle Website


What is ETS4U?

ETS4U is a Grade 12 Studies in Literature course at a university preparation level.

What is the prerequisite course for ETS4U?

ENG3U, English, Grade 11, University Preparation

How long does it take to complete the ETS4U online course?

You can complete ETS4U as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 5 months

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