Course Description

This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914. Students will examine the role of conflict and cooperation in Canadian society, Canada’s evolving role within the global community, and the impact of various individuals, organizations, and events on Canadian identity, citizenship, and heritage. They will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key issues and events in Canadian history since 1914.


  1. CANADA: Our Century, Our Story – Student Text, Nelson Thomson Learning ©
  2. Canada: A Nation Unfolding, Ontario Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson ©
  3. Moodle Website



What is CHC2D?
CHC2D is a Grade 10 Canadian History Since World War I course at an academic preparation level.
What is the prerequisite course for CHC2D?
How long does it take to complete the CHC2D online course?
You can complete CHC2D as quickly as 4 weeks

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