Course Description

This course focuses on current geographic issues that affect Canadians. Students will draw on their personal and everyday experiences as they explore issues relating to food and water supplies, competing land uses, interactions with the natural environment, and other topics relevant to sustainable living in Canada. They will also develop an awareness that issues that affect their lives in Canada are interconnected with issues in other parts of the world. Throughout the course, students will use the concepts of geographic thinking, the geographic inquiry process, and spatial technologies to guide and support their investigations.


  1. Moodle Site
  2. Clark, Bruce. W, et all. Making Connections Canada’s Geography. 2nd Edition. Pearson Canada. Toronto 2006.


What is CGC1P?

CGC1P is a Grade 9 Issues in Canadian Geography course at an applied level.

What is the prerequisite course for CGC1P?


How long does it take to complete the CGC1P online course?

You can complete CGC1P as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 4 months.

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