Course Description

This course emphasizes the refinement of media arts skills through the creation of a thematic body of work by applying traditional and emerging technologies, tools, and techniques such as multimedia, computer animation, installation art, and performance art. Students will develop works that express their views on contemporary issues and will create portfolios suitable for use in either career or post secondary education applications. Students will critically analyse the role of media artists in shaping audience perceptions of identity, culture, and community values.


  1. Art Works, Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd. © 2011.
  2. DSLR Camera
  3. Art Supplies
  4. Moodle Website


What is ASM4M?

ASM4M is a Grade 12 Media Arts course at a university or college preparation level.

What is the prerequisite course for ASM4M?

Media Arts, Grade 11, University/College Preparation

How long does it take to complete the ASM4M online course?

You can complete ASM4M as quickly as 4 weeks, or take as long as 5 months


  1. HSB4U:

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